There are several different circumstances in which you may find yourself the victim of personal injury due to the carelessness of another person or entity. You may also be entitled to compensation for a number of different reasons if you have sustained an injury. It is not always solely about the bottom line on your medical bills alone. Unfortunately, personal injury laws can be incredibly multivalent, so it is important to seek legal counsel from an experienced personal injury lawyer in the event you have been injured in an accident. When you have a professional personal injury lawyer in your corner, you are much more likely to receive the maximum settlement amount.
What is personal injury?
Personal injury is a legal term used to describe an injury to the body, mind or emotions, as opposed to anything considered property. Personal injury lawsuits typically arise when someone has been injured due to reasonable precautions, safety measures and care not being taken by another party to prevent injury to others; but it may also be the direct result of another person’s (or entity’s) actions, and not simply their inaction. Personal injury can happen in a variety of different capacities such as medical malpractice, auto accidents, slip and falls, and general negligence, whether in the workplace or the grocery store etc. It is also important to take note that Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to personal injury, so having personal injury insurance is imperative as well.
What is personal injury insurance coverage?
In Florida, personal injury protection (PIP) is a requirement for all motorists. As we mentioned earlier, Florida is a no-fault state. This means that both parties can receive compensation in the event an accident, regardless of which party is at fault. Under the rules of no-fault law, a person involved in an auto accident can be compensated up to 60% of their earnings (up to $10,000) based on their PIP insurance. If your injury and damage costs turn out to be more than $10,000, a personal injury attorney can help get the compensation you deserve to cover any extra costs you may have incurred due to an auto accident. It is also important to note that Florida’s status as a no-fault state does not bar you from filing a lawsuit if you feel you are the victim of negligence. A personal injury attorney excels in these matters such as these.
How can a personal injury lawyer help me?
There are thousands of incidents that may result in potential personal injury cases each day in America, from the highways, to the doctor’s office, or the workplace. It can happen anywhere. Millions of Americans miss work each year because of due to injuries sustained either at work or outside of work. It is always best to be prepared. When you add medical bills to the cost of missing work, your future could very well be in double jeopardy. If you have been injured by the actions (or inactions) of another person or entity, you may be able to take legal action to recover damages and more. As we mentioned earlier, personal injury laws can be a bit confusing to tackle alone. With the help of a personal injury attorney, you can much more easily navigate through the complexities of filing a lawsuit to get the compensation you deserve. There are a number of different moving parts that go into a personal injury hearing. Witnesses may be called to testify and recount the nature of the incident to the best of their ability, records may need to be examined, and expert medical personnel may be required to testify as well. Personal injury attorneys can also assist you with paperwork and negotiate with insurers and opposing counsel. They also have access to a broad and reliable system of investigators and expert medical professionals to help you build your case. Also, if it is a company or organization you are filing the lawsuit against, it is a sure bet that they will also have their own legal counsel, making it that much more important to have your own.
Stratigakos Law Firm is your Tampa personal injury attorney. We’ve got your back when it comes to getting you the money you deserve if you have been injured in an accident. Our firm takes cases on a contingency basis, so we only receive fees if we recover money for you! Call 813.226.0067 or click here today for your free consultation.